Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Cold and Pale Colored Summer

I have a very colorful summer. Full of adventure and happiness. But like some paintings. Some part of it are pale colored. Hunted by memories of the past, the loneliness, isolation, sadness, pains and sufferings. A colorful summer indeed. How about let us start my story when The month of april was warm because now it is actually cold. I was supposed to join my family and relatives in a vaction but I did not come due to I enrolled my self in a workshop. My BFFs went on vaction also and I am left here in my village. Among us cricle of friends it is only me that does not go on a vacation, I think. I enrolled my self in a street dance class at Dance Avenue Studio in Cainta and my coach there is Jhong Mesina from Philippine All-stars. A one in a life time oppurtunity that i don't want to loose. He really looks like a Filipino-American but I think his a pure blood Filipino. Then After few weeks I join the dance ministry of YFC. The location of the place where we practice is just near my house so it is easy to travel. they have same schedule. MWF but different time. The Dance Min at morning and the DAS at afternoon. It is tiresome but very enjoyable. It hurts but i like it, atleast I learn many choreography and learn to do a handstand. And also to dance very fast and inhance my abiltiy of following the beat which is actually fading away due to lack of practice. I also join our basketball leauge but it was cancelled already and I don't know why? I become very tired in the past few weeks due to it is very hot and the schedule of my class. I really love to dance ^_^, another reason for me being left at home. Actually I'm not alone. My cousin, aunt and uncle are with me. My aunt is a very good cook that is why even if we are quite low in budget I still it well somehow. In the cold weeks of April I still continue my dance lesson. And there, I meet my past. Remeber the memories and bad dreams. Being isolated, sad and lonely again. But still, somehow, happy.

During summer also I have started a new hobby and that is Plurk hehe. Met many people I don't know and already knew. I met many interesting people there and met many intelligent and wise people. I learn many things from them, especially things concerning my interest and concerning life itself. Most of the time I am in front of my PC plurking ^_^. It is really addictive and kills time. But somehow it is a good way to keep away from boredom.

Actually my BFFs and I planned to shoot a video that has something to do with Earth day but they went on vacation already. But its okay it can still wait, I hope it is not too late when we shoot the video again. Earth day. A day where we celebrate or honor our home planet and our mother, Earth. And during that time I watch many documentary about global warming. I suggest you watch them also. The shows are 11th Hour and Signos. Watching the documentary urge me to do the video myself but I don't want to accept all the credits so I'll still wait for them before I start it. Global Warming is actually getting worse and worse in each second that we don't react or respond to it. And the more it get worse, the more people get ill and die. It is not only a person or a country alone that is affected by the Global Warming but the whole world and the whole population of the planet that is affected. According to the documentaries. We should rebuild Earth. and in this time we should think about its effect on every people and the planet itself. You know there are things that we can do but not affecting our technology. Examples of it are shown in 11th Hour.

Also during this month. Due to boredom at night. I often watch news and TV shows. Unfortunately my TV in my room is not affected by our cable connection. Anyways. In every news that I watch, my attention was grab by the news about the prudential life or educational plans. Due to I'm gonna go to college and my mother get a educational plan there and I'm nervous that due to that problem one of my cousin or me myself would be force to stop studying. The more our country gets poor. The more my patriotic heart burns. Maybe that is one of the reasons why my heart is aching. Many other issues and many more problems which includes Global Recession, the war in mindanao and the case of the wife of news anchor Ted Failon. Now we feel the Global Recession that comes from USA. Many Filipino suffers now due to that problem and still suffering. Many incoming college student's future are in danger due to the problem in educational plan companies or life and educational insurance companies. In the case of Mr. Ted failon and the war in Mindanao I can only say few things. In this time, there is no true justice and no true peace. These we all are currently searching.

In this time, We should be one. In this time we should reconsider many things. In this time we should breakdown the wall of difference and hate and build a home of with walls of love, unity, respect and understanding. And in this time. Our faith in God should never shiver or blurr. It should be more strong. Happy summer to all.

*I know many would react on this blog or won't mind this blog. But I tell you. Blogs are made to express ones self, to express ones ideas. right? till next post.*

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