Do you believe in heaven and hell? If yes, then where do you want to go? And in the way you are living now, where do you guess you will go? These are just some of the questions that I want to ask you, readers, and these are somehow related to our topic this time. I guess most people are aware and believe that heaven exists, we define it as a place where good people, who does good deeds, go and we also say that it is where our Father, God, lives and reigns. And for us to be with Him and to have eternal life we need to go to heaven and we can do that by doing good deeds. Yet, sad to say, good deeds are not enough for us to be with Him. That what we think and see as “good” is only good in human’s eyes, in human’s standards. That God has His own standard of “good”, His own way of looking at “good”, the right way of “good”, and some of it is in the “10 commandments”.
I guess from now you’ll going to think my topic is boring, yet this what I’ll say, how about don’t stop reading, finish it then judge it afterwards, and you’ll see that it is not boring, it is us humans who make it feel and look like boring, as Franklin Jentezen says “Christianity is not suppose to be boring, it is supposed to be exciting” and in my own version “serving, following, worshipping, praising, and hearing the Lord is not suppose to be boring, it is supposed to be exciting”, it becomes boring because we take it as head knowledge, we take it like a lesson in class, we take it as a routine, which is not, serving, following, worshipping, praising, and hearing Him is not supposed to be a routine or duty or obligation but it is a way of living. We let Him and His words live in our heart, in our life, and you’ll see, feel and experience that it is not boring, that we are the ones making it boring, that we are the people restraining ourselves from serving, praising and worshipping Him in a lively way. Not being excited in following, praising, worshipping, serving and hearing God has a great consequence, as a bored person would lazily do His will and won’t car even if it is low quality or not done, while an excited person would immediately do His will in high quality and make sure that it is done. God wants to see how we are excited in serving Him, in praising Him, in worshiping Him, in seeking Him, as He has seen David excitingly praising and thanking Him w/ all His heart (as in 2 Samuel 6:14) we should also be excited in serving Him. Yet being excited is not the same as being wild, and being excited does not mean we have to be shout and all, we have our own unique way of expressing excitement, as long as we have excitement in our heart and what we are doing is according to His teachings, according to His will, according to what He see is right then it is okay. Let us go and be excited in serving, following, praising and hearing Him.
Now back to our topic about the 10 commandments, some of the way on how God looks on “good” is written in the 10 commandments. Yet we think that it is restricting us from living life, from having a good life, for we think that doing good deeds, praying and reading the bible is enough to save us, enough for us o go to heaven, we think that we are living a good life. Let me ask you some questions. Is the way we are living now, really good? Are we pleasing Him by the way we live? Where do you think we should go based on how we are living, heaven or hell? God made these commandments for our own good, for us to be with Him, for us not to sin, for us to live a really good life, for He wants what is best for us. By the way we live now, it seems that we have forgotten that hell exists, that in hell, we will suffer forever, eternal death, eternal suffering, unlike here in earth, we temporarily suffer, there in hell, suffering is permanent, God wants to save us from there, that is why He made the 10 commandments, even an unforgiving heart deserves to be sent there, we should also forgive. Let me explain each part of the 10 commandments.
The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-21)
And God spoke all these words:
1] “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
-At times of trouble we forget that we have a God who can help us, who is always ready to comfort us. We should be reminded that He is our God, who has saved His people through His chosen people and also save us through His one and only Son, Jesus. It is also made for us to be reminded how loving God is. God is loving yet He is also just and holy, He is our Lord and Savior, not only Savior, but Lord and Savior, we are to follow and serve Him, and He us our God, continues to love us, save us, help us, protect us and bless us even though we are sinners, yet it does not mean that we should not apologize, we should, we must, apologize, confess and repent, for how will we be forgiven if we don’t ask for forgiveness?
- God is a jealous God. We should be reminded not to idolize things, people, places and even animals, it is disrespect to Him, also, He wants us to serve Him, for He is faithful, He wants us to be with Him, to go to Him for He will never leave us, He will always be with us, He love us and wants to help us . He wants what is best for us
3] “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
- It is against Him to create sculptures, carvings, idols, and serve them or worship them, It is like making God small, making Him dead, not moving, not responding, while the truth is He is alive, He is greater than anything, He is bigger than the galaxy, He moves and He responds, another mistake of us humans is that we believe if there is a miracle, we also go and worship the miracle and not God, we make the miracle an idol, also at times we focus on the saints and the carvings/sculpture/idols where the truth is, it is Him we should serve, it is Him we should worship, it is Him we should praise. Even the enemy can make miracles; it is their trick for us not to focus on God but to focus on the miracles, on the idols/carvings/sculpture. If good things or miracles happen, it should be Him we should worship and praise, not the miracle, not the idol, not the carvings, not the sculpture. For God is a Jealous God. God is a living God.
4] “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
- We should always be reminded that God is holy, thus His name is also holy and should not be use in cursing, making an oath/ making a promise, we should be careful in using His name, or rather don’t use His name at all. We also don’t use His name in naming other things, person, and/or place. Yet we can use His name when sharing His word. He is the only God, the only Lord
5] “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
- We should remember that this day is allotted to Him, going to church, serving Him, praising Him, worshipping Him, thanking Him, it should be keep holy, there should be no killing, no stealing or other things that He despise, we can still work, do things yet make sure that it pleases Him, that it does not make the Sabbath day unholy or that it is not displeasing to Him.
6] “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
-Our parents have lived the world longer than us; they “supposed” to know what is wrong and what is right, they are one of our guides in this world, they nourish us until we are old enough to go on our own, It is their obligation to feed us, to give us shelter, to care for us, in short, to be a parent to us. And in return we should respect them, show love to them, follow them, yet ask God guidance, ask God to also guide them, there are times we misunderstood our parents, there also times they misunderstood us or they are too busy that they forget their obligation, in this, we should pray for them, that God may guide them.
7] “You shall not murder.
- We shall not kill. Even in our minds, we should not kill. Anger, in God’s eyes is murder (Matthew 5:21-26). We should not let anger consume our heart, for from anger comes hate and bitterness, and from this result to killing and revenge which cause never ending chain of anger, hatred, unforgiving, killings and war. We should have a loving and forgiving heart. We should learn to forgive and love one another just like God have loved and forgiven us. (Matthew 5:38-42 and Matthew 5:43-48). Let us put God in our hearts and let Him lives there, for He is love and peace, thus a person whose heart God lives knows how to love, knows how to forgive and thus brings peace. Us saying “” is not good, for it is just an alibi, we are given free will, we have a choice to do good or to do bad, it is not because we are human that we do bad, it is because we choose to do it that is why we do it.
8] “You shall not commit adultery.
- In God’s eyes, lust is a form of adultery (Matthew 5:27-30), thus we should be careful on what we think, thinking of person lustfully and/or daydreaming or thinking you and that person being together even if you are not is adultery. We should also be careful in being the source of lust, especially in the way we live at present; we ourselves are the temptations which should not be. Temptation is not a sin unless you let it tempt you, going away from the temptation is better than enduring the temptation. Doing a divorce is also a form of except at sexual immorality issues(Matthew 5:31-32), especially in divorce, there are people who divorced because they love others, we remove the sacredness of marriage, we make mirage into a grocery store, we return it if we are not satisfied, which is wrong, once you are married, then you are married, it is in the fault of how we see love and our dating or courting system that made it all wrong, we show the best foot at first then the bad at last thus fooling our partners making them take that we are perfect yet we are not, we are imperfect beings. It is said that 2 becomes 1. Only one pair, love is a commitment and not a feeling, you choose to love a person because you want to be with that person forever. People are not tools, they are also humans, and they feel. Adultery can also lead to murder
9] “You shall not steal.
- be contented what we have, we should not be attach to material things and should not steal things from others, we go to the point where we make our objects our god which is wrong, too attachment to materials can make stealing lead to murder. Stealing is disrespect to others, also disrespect to God, He have given it to them for He have a plan for them regarding that what is given yet at times, this things are stolen from us to give us lessons, for us to learn, learn how to give importance to things given.
10] “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
- we should respect one another and build each other in a good way, each other is our responsibility, we making false testimony about them is like us killing them indirectly. We should also tell the truth and not lie. It is also said that we should love others us God loves us and also love them as we love ourselves
11] “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
-this same as adultery and stealing, don’t use or covet what is not yours or also wish that it should be yours and not theirs, it is like putting your life and other’s life in your hands, it is like your decision is greater than God, this is wrong thinking, God knows what is best, this can also lead to murder. We should respect what they have, be contented what we have, it is given with His knowledge, with His reason.
Well as you can see there are 11 commandments yet if you think of it, the 8th and the 9th is almost same as the 11th.
In this we should be reminded:
The greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40)
1] “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
2] And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Let us be reminded that God have given us free will, we can choose to follow Him, be with Him, even if the road is rough, we will have eternal life, eternal happiness with Him or we can choose to go against Him, go the easy way, live the “happy” life we are living now, having eternal suffering and suffer forever. Now let me ask you again. Where do you want to go, heaven or hell?
*P.S. Trust, have faith and believe in God